Tudo bem, eu já tinha visto um "G" nas referências de OS ou Browser, e isso quer dizer que o usuário é um felizardo dono de um celular com Android, ou ainda estava usando uma versão beta do Chrome OS. Mas quando vi "GG" e passei o cursor em cima, surge a descrição: "Google Wireless Transcoder"
Na primeira pesquisa já cai direto na maior invenção da humanidade.
Para uma SEXTA-FEIRA 13 DE AGOSTO (do tenebroso ano de 2010), nada melhor que rir...
O site dá todas as instruções para você adquirir completamente grátis seu Kit Banda Larga de Fibra Ótica e transmissão via WiFi. Isso tudo no conforto do seu... banheiro!
![]() Google TiSP (BETA) is a fully functional, end-to-end system that provides in-home wireless access by connecting your commode-based TiSP wireless router to one of thousands of TiSP Access Nodes via fiber-optic cable strung through your local municipal sewage lines. ![]() ![]() Installing a typical home TiSP system is a quick, easy and largely sanitary process -- provided you follow these step-by-step instructions very, very carefully.
Note: If you have any difficulty installing, operating or simply living with TiSP, we suggest joining the TiSP Help Group. ![]() Professional Installation Service You can also choose to request our professional installation service, which dispatches an army of factory-trained, sub-contracted nanobots from the TiSP Access Node. The nanobots travel with exhilarating nano-speed through the sewer system and into your home to perform the installation service, which should be complete within 15 minutes. Note: For your own physical safety and emotional well-being and in consideration of the nanobots' working conditions, please make absolutely certain that your toilet is unoccupied at the scheduled appointment time. In-Commode Package Delivery With professional installation service, you can also have your Google Checkout purchases delivered directly through the sewage network into your bathroom. Each package comes pre-sealed in a watertight and nanobot-resistant bag made of biodegradable corn-based plastic. For a limited time, TiSP subscribers who sign up for a Checkout account will receive free bathroom delivery on their first ten Checkout purchases. TiSP for Enterprise We're actively developing a higher-performance version of TiSP specifically tailored to small and medium-sized businesses, including 24-hour, on-site technical support in the event of backup problems, brownouts and data wipes. Learn more about TiSP: Frequently Asked Questions | ||||||||
A página original é essa: http://www.google.com/tisp/install.html
Como o Google recomenda, não esqueça de lavar as mãos depois da instalação.
Eu sei, eu sei... Isso é velho, mas hoje é sexta-feira (13 de agosto).
3 comentários:
Pra te falar a verdade, faltam só 6 capítulos pra eu terminar de ver a série toda! Fiquei viciada nisso! ;)
Terminei de ver!! Aiinda to chorando ... hehehe
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